Friday, June 6, 2008


In the last issue we had a fun quiz and asked some questions about what you’d read in the GT:-

What is the most recent MXit upgrade?
What company recently launched Morph?
Who ran his car on chicken poop in 1953?
Who wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey?
Reese Witherspoon has become a global ambassador – for which company?
How many votes does a band need to get onto the MXit playlist?
Which company recently launched what’s been termed “the worlds cheapest car”?

Well, here are the answers
Harold Bate Arthur Clarke
Tata Motors

How did you do?
1 – 2 You’ve not read the GT from cover to cover. You’ve hardly read it at all! Infidel! Off to the gallows with you.
2 – 4 Pay more attention next time. We’re watching you.
4 – 6 A true-blue MXiteer. You’ve downloaded the GT and you’ll be having it delivered free to your desktop each time a new issue comes out. The next issue is out soon. Enjoy!

For this issue, we’re asking:
1. Is the Samsung G800 compatible with MXit?
2. What’s the latest MXit upgrade?
3. Who’s the lead singer of Freshly Ground?
4. Which local inventor/scientist is ‘going places’?
5. Which epic novel is going to be made into a movie starring Johnny Depp?

Answers will be in the next issue.

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